Now the fans can watch l entire documentary, Alicia in Africa, for free via AliciaInAfrica.com. They can also load programs object the courtesy with the part of the documentary the exclusive associate SpiralFrog.com of transfer from the system centers them towards the satellites of s, or verification the documentary to impact.myspace.com. ". A documentary part that describes to its travels in Africa for its conservation an alive foundation of the child has been ventilated during the special. The film, directed from the cinematographic producer South African Earle Sebastian, follows the keys while it travels to the several communities in manciata of nations Africans, bringing to light the facilities of health, the orfanotrofi, the most delayed in drugs antivirals and more. The keys have earned the Grammy Awards for its last plan dell egg whites, 2007 s as they are. It s egg whites that have written after in the first instance the taken one of the hiatus which extended from music for being with the family and in order to travel extensively. He maintains a child alive is un organization without voted scope of lucro to the stem d aid l epidemic of AIDS/HIV during l Africa. What has experimented during that time has helped its refreshed return all musical industry, since the keys have explained: " I have had a new vigor in me, a new confidence, a new understanding of the sense that the mind is thus powerful and how much you must protect them and you must use them and use them and the fairies and are unafraid and impassible and to hardly go for it and the fairies, any takes. Winner Alicia Keys of Grammy has been described on the past night idolo full American of celebrity of s: L idolo it gives the telethon posterior. And that s when I have returned.
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